Chanda D. Griffin, LCSW, is a teaching, training, supervising analyst at the Manhattan Institute for Psychoanalysis (MIP), current Co-Director of the One Year Program: Psychoanalysis and the Socio-Political World former co-chair of the Committee on Race and Ethnicity. Additionally, she is a faculty member of the National Institute For the Psychotherapies. (NIP),The Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalysis (ICP)and an Adjunct Professor at the Silberman Graduate School of Social Work at Hunter College. Chanda is the co-author of The Secret Society: Perspectives from a Multi-racial Cohort (with Rossanna Eceygoyén and Julie Hyman) and author of Who’s on my couch: BIPOC subjectivity and the climate crisis,the MIP blog essay: Red Pill Psychoanalysis and the Matrix of Racial Roles, and the Psychoanalytic Activist,: Centered. Chanda is a member of Black Psychoanalysts Speak and is in private practice in New York City.